Klobuchar Calls for Over 500 Percent Increase in Refugees, But Just Not in Her Neighborhood, Reports Say


“Do what I say, not as I do,” could be the mantra for Presidential candidate Amy Klobuchar when it comes to resettling more than 500 percent more refugees under her proposal since virtually none of them would end up in her neighborhood, according to a report.

And one of her motives is to support the big businesses that handle resettlement, according to reports.

The Democratic U.S. senator from Minnesota wants to skyrocket the number of refugees taken in every year from President Trump’s cap of 18,000 to the Obama-era level of at least 110,000, Breitbart reported.

While Minneapolis has resettled thousands of refugees since 2009, almost none live in Marcy-Holmes, where Klobuchar owns a home with her husband.

Nearly 85 percent of all residents in Klobuchar’s neighborhood are native-born American citizens and of the less than ten percent of foreign-born residents, half arrived from China, India, Korea, Germany, Thailand, and Malaysia — countries from where only five refugees have been resettled in Minnesota in the last decade and none of whom have been resettled in Minneapolis much less Klobuchar’s neighborhood.

Klobuchar is not the only Democratic presidential candidate to call for drastically flooding America with refugees.

South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg recently called for an increase from 18,000 to at least 110,000 each year, calling for America to “restore” itself as the world leader in resettling refugees, The Ohio Star reported.

Mike Bloomberg, the former mayor of the Big Apple, wants to go big with refugee resettlement, calling for a 694 percent increase to 125,000 refugees each year, The Tennessee Star reported.

Klobuchar was one of 10 Democratic senators last November who met with the Trump administration to express concern that cutting the cap to 18,000 could hurt the resettlement agencies that place the refugees, the StarTribune reported.

Indeed, fewer refugees mean fewer taxpayer dollars going to resettlement agencies, which are businesses, even when they are called “non-profits.”

Refugee contractors are dependent on taxpayer funding to operate their resettlement activities, as reported by The Tennessee Star. Because the contractors are paid a fee for each refugee they resettle, increasing the number of refugees automatically increases the agency’s cash flow. For example, in 2011, when Catholic Charities of West Tennessee resettled a Somali mother and her eleven children in Memphis, the agency was paid a fee for twelve refugees.

A 2012 U.S. General Accounting Office report confirmed that this payment structure incentivizes resettlement contractors “to maintain or increase the number of refugees they resettle each year rather than allowing the number to decrease,” The Star said.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Amy Klobuchar” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.





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6 Thoughts to “Klobuchar Calls for Over 500 Percent Increase in Refugees, But Just Not in Her Neighborhood, Reports Say”

  1. Dennis C

    Reminds me of Planning parenthood! Only meant for terrorists and such

  2. William R. Delzell

    It figures, knowing her. Put the burden on somebody else, right, Amy.

    That’s not all. New damning evidence reveals that she may have let a guilty person off scott free by sending an innocent person instead to jail for a brutal child murder based on falsified evidence and a coerced false confession. Never mind that the guilty person several years later attempted to turn himself in, revealing details about the killing that only the READ killer would know. If that’s not enough, Klobuchar also accepted generous financial contributions from the corrupt Minneapolis police union to look the other way when officers committed wrong-doings.

    Some role-model this Klobuchar gal!

    1. Cindy Hayter

      I appreciate that your reporting news but you know Amy has many great qualities this is negative article. Who else wants to work at Burger King, motels and all the other minimum wage jobs think about that sir…..

      1. Dennis C

        I don’t think that is your problem!

        I think that you have never had a day job.

        Like I did for 47 years. Last 15 years I have been retired and $4K of my income from retirement I a total loss as it is given to non-working people.

        You do not represent Tennessee! Being Liberal you don’t even represent humans beings.

  3. scary times

    Does this suprise anyone really ? Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, run on curtailing immigration in Tennessee. But the first two bills before him was for limited immigration, and what did he do ? He turned them down.. Self professed christian Bill Lee is a deceitful scoundrel.
    The next election for Governor will be the first time i vote democrat.
    Why vote for a republican who acts like a democrat ?
    Bill Lee gone.. will be a new song in rural Tennessee.

    1. Laure Cain

      Then vote for a republican who is actually a republican and not a rhino.
